WEST COUNTRY CLASS 4-6-2 No.34024 TAMAR VALLEY waits to depart from Waterloo.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
WEST COUNTRY CLASS 4-6-2 No.34024 TAMAR VALLEY waits to depart from Waterloo.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
WEST COUNTRY CLASS 4-6-2 No. 34001 EXETER taking on water at Salisbury on a special SP1.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
WEST COUNTRY CLASS 4-6-2 No.34025 WHIMPLE inside Eastleigh Works.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
2-6-2 TANK No.41287 at Eastleigh M.P.D.coalstage.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
WEST COUNTRY CLASS 4-6-2 No.34013 OKEHAMPTON at London Bridge Station.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
CLASS O2T O-4-4 No.28 ASHEY at Ventnor,Isle of Wight.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
CLASS O2T 0-4-4 No.20 SHANKLIN at Ryde M.P.D.Isle of Wight.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
BR Standard 5MT 4-6-0 No.73113 passing Worting Junction with a down freight.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
BATTLE OF BRITAIN CLASS 4-6-2 No.34053 SIR KEITH PARK passing Worting Junction with a down freight.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
CLASS O2 TANKS No.20 and No.22 on shed at Ryde M.P.D.Isle of Wight.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
WEST COUNTRY CLASS 4-6-2 No 34015 EXMOUTH at Salisbury with special SPL 30.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
CLASS A4 4-6-2 No.60026 MILES BEEVOR being turned Ferryhill,Aberdeen in 1966.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
CLASS A4 4-6-2 No 60007 SIR NIGEL GRESLEY at Perth M.P.D. with Class 5MT`s 44879 & 44797 for company.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.
BR Standard CLASS 4MT 2-6-0 No.76049 stops on a local Waverley route train at Riccarton Junction.
Photograph from The George Woods Collection.